More testimonials from our users

"Dylan's social skills really improved. He has also improved academically. He didn't mix with other children before, but now he does. His reading seems to be better too and he's taking part in sports no... Read more

Parents of 12 year old boy

Parents of 12 year old boy

"Jodie's language development got much better as a result of the SMART training. We had a speech and language assessment done which showed an enormous improvement. She did extremely well in her school exams... Read more

Parents of 13 year old girl

Parents of 13 year old girl

"I found the early stages pretty easy, and felt that I was already too clever to benefit from SMART training but I eventually hit some later training stages that I found pretty tough. The SMART training too... Read more

18 year old male

18 year old male

"I found the training challenging but fun. I could see straight away how it would make me smarter to practice SMART regularly".

17 Year old female

17 Year old female

"Ann was much more comfortable with herself after completing the SMART program. Her spelling increased significantly. She did fantastically well in her school exams that year. Her understanding of subjects... Read more

Parent of 10 year old girl

Parent of 10 year old girl

I really liked the SMART training programme. It has helped me in school because I notice that it is easier to answer questions in mathematics. I’m also quicker to understand new stuff we haven’t learned be... Read more

Jordan, age 11

Jordan, age 11

Math class is easier for me now and I am quicker at figuring things out in all my subjects. I feel like I am faster at everything in school now. I have definitely benefitted from this IQ programme. My rea... Read more

Thomas, age 12

Thomas, age 12

I have noticed that general knowledge tasks are easier now. My concentration is much better than before. My spelling and dictation are better in school too. While I have always found mathematics easy, I a... Read more

Jake, age 11

Jake, age 11

I liked the SMART programme. It was hard at first, but once I figured out what I was doing, it was fun. Doing the programme got my mind working and it’s better than just sitting around the place! I have no... Read more

Kiara, age 13

Kiara, age 13

I thought the SMART programme was good and I enjoyed doing it. I have noticed a difference in my school work as a result of doing the programme. My problem solving skills and memory are better. I’m findin... Read more

Annie, age 12

Annie, age 12

The programme was a challenge, but I really enjoyed it. I have definitely noticed a difference in my learning since I finished all the levels. I “get” stuff more quickly now. Maths and reading are easier ... Read more

Tony, age 12

Tony, age 12

I really enjoyed doing the computer programme. I looked forward to logging in every day and to moving through my levels. I have noticed a change in my learning ability. Mathematics seems to be easier now,... Read more

 Laura, age 11

Laura, age 11

The SMART programme was really fun. I liked moving through levels quickly and knowing that I was getting to the end. I really looked forward to the sessions and I worked on it at home as well as at school.... Read more

Eve, age 10

Eve, age 10

I liked the IQ programme. It was fun being on the computer and I enjoyed the background pictures while you worked. I especially liked the beach scenes. It made the programme fun and interesting. I feel th... Read more

Jonathan, age 12

Jonathan, age 12

I thought that the SMART programme was really good. I liked that it helped me think and that it raised my IQ. I really felt like it was making me smarter. It has helped me in school. I know that I am rea... Read more

 Olivia, age 13

Olivia, age 13

If I was asked to give advice to kids doing this programme, I would say they should get their heads down and do it. Just keep trying until to you get there. I found this programme quite confusing at the st... Read more

Jack, age 11

Jack, age 11

I thought this programme was really good. I’m not sure if my grades are better, but my memory seems to be sharper.

Mark, age 12

Mark, age 12

I really liked the SMART programme. I wouldn’t change anything in it. I noticed an improvement in my English and also in maths. I’m understanding what I’m reading more. My speed is faster in maths and my... Read more

Megan, age 11

Megan, age 11

My son, John, really did benefit from the programme. He seems to be more alert and more “with it” now. He enjoyed that he was challenged by the programme and he liked moving through the levels and knowing ... Read more

Parent of 12 year old boy.

Parent of 12 year old boy.

I think Mary benefitted hugely from the IQ programme. It has encouraged her to work harder at her school work and to increase her skills. I liked that she had to keep going back to do more work—that it was... Read more

Parent of 13 year old girl

Parent of 13 year old girl

My husband and I were very impressed with Eileen’s progress as a result of this programme. Her ability to just sit down and do her work has greatly improved. Her confidence has gotten much stronger. She’s... Read more

Parent of 10 year old girl

Parent of 10 year old girl

Jamie has definitely benefitted from the SMART programme. I’m thrilled with the results. We would never have expected such good results. My son is delighted with himself too. What I noticed the most was t... Read more

Parent of 12 year old boy

Parent of 12 year old boy

I enjoyed the SMART programme. I seem to be faster at doing my work now. My reading is definitely faster. I was slow at that before. My memory is also way better.

Darragh, age 11

Darragh, age 11

I really feel that Dan has benefitted from this programme. His IQ has taken a big jump so that should help him in all that he does. Concentration has been an issue for him in the past. He was always a chi... Read more

 Parent of 12 year old boy

Parent of 12 year old boy

Charlie definitely benefitted from this programme. I see real changes in maths and reading and spelling. These have all improved. He enjoys reading now. He is even picking up the newspaper and reading al... Read more

Parent of 12 year old boy

Parent of 12 year old boy

I think it was a very rare opportunity that Nora was able to take part in this programme. She loved the programme as she loves a challenge. She wanted to pass her levels and reach her goals. She was alway... Read more

Parent of 11 year old girl

Parent of 11 year old girl

I was very impressed with the results of this programme. Killian definitely benefitted from doing the training. His work is better now. What I have noticed mostly is that he doesn’t need me as much when h... Read more

Parent of 12 year old boy

Parent of 12 year old boy

Andrew has certainly benefitted from this programme. I can see that his reading is way faster. He is also more interested in school as he feels more confident about it. He enjoyed doing the programme. It... Read more

Parent of 11 year old boy

Parent of 11 year old boy

The programme was good fun. If I was doing it again, I wouldn’t wait so long between sessions as it was easier to do when I remembered what I had done last. I think some of my school subjects have definitel... Read more

 Alex, age 13

Alex, age 13

I have noticed that Patrick’s problem solving skills are stronger since using the SMART programme. He seems to be using his head more. He is thinking more practically and approaching things more sensibly. ... Read more

Parent of 13 year old boy

Parent of 13 year old boy

"Shannon has improved in all of her subjects, but especially in reading. She passed all of her subjects in her school examinations. Her motivation and memory have also really improved. We are very pleased... Read more

Parent of 12 year old girl

Parent of 12 year old girl

I noticed that Amanda has definitely improved at school after doing the programme. She really enjoyed doing it and her confidence has come up a lot as a result. She herself has noticed that her problem sol... Read more

Parent of 12 year old girl

Parent of 12 year old girl

"Amy's concentration skills are still weak, but then she has ADD and dyslexia. The programme does seem to have boosted her though. Her reading and spelling have definitely improved. She is doing very wel... Read more

Parent of 11 year old girl

Parent of 11 year old girl