My child is not motivated to complete their stages. What should I do?

Last updated: 10 Nov, 2013

Your child will only benefit from this programme if he or she engages with it. While we have “gamified” this program as much as possible, it is after all an educational intervention and not an a form of entertainment. For some children, parents or guardians may need to use some sort of external reward system for getting a child to engage with the program, in the same manner in which a guardian might use an incentive system to encourage a child to complete their homework. Our advice is to use rewards for effort, not just for success, although you may wish to add small extra rewards for completing stages. These rewards should get bigger as the program progresses as they get progressively more difficult. While we have tried to make this leaning as fun as it can be, parents and guardians can do a lot to make a child look forward to their training and to passing stages.

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