Brain Training For Kids and Schools

Brain training for Children

Parents may wonder is brain training suitable for children and students to help improve IQ or to assist them in their education. The idea that our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is an inherited trait that is fixed for life is a common but mistaken one. The RaiseYourIQ intellectual skills intervention is called SMART training (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training). We do not teach children and students anything that they can use in their examinations (e.g., how to multiply, the capital of Canada). Instead a RaiseYourIQ course will teach the foundational reasoning skills crucial to vocabulary acquisition and mathematical reasoning. In effect, we are giving kids, students and adults the tools to learn more effectively. Moreover our training re-mediates deficits in these skills bases that cannot be taught at school efficiently without extensive one-to-one assistance, plus SMART can even help children to catch up to and even surpass the population average in intellectual ability. The SMART brain training course can act as a springboard from which future learning occurs across all age groups.

Can Brain Training Be Used in Schools

RaiseYourIQ have a dedicated intellectual skills and brain training solution designed for schools and education environments.
The SMART system allows teachers to asses and train the school students' cognitive abilities

The Formula for Academic Success for ALL children

SMART training was developed across two decades by education leaders and published psychologists specifically to establish the basic skills required for effective learning in the areas of reading, vocabulary and mathematics. The co-founders of RaiseYourIQ - Dr. Sarah Cassidy and Dr. Bryan Roche still work in education research and academia today. All children need to learn the same basic skills sets in order to learn well and thrive in school. At RaiseYourIQ we call these essential skills “relational skills”. In numerous published studies, these relational skills have been implicated in creative problem solving, reading and mathematical ability. But SMART brain training is not just for kids with learning problems. SMART allows every child and student to reach their full intellectual potential.
For a free school trial visit School Brain Training Platform

Will brain training help with dyslexia?

Although we did not explicitly design SMART brain training for helping people with dyslexia (we have separate products in production for this), 2 people who completed our most recent study had their diagnoses professionally revised in follow up assessments after completing our brain training course. Their reading improved so much that a diagnosis of Dyslexia was no longer applicable. This is because Dyslexia is a relational skill problem involving a lowered ability to sequence words and letters in the correct order. SMART brain training makes users expert in paying attention to the order in which words and letters are presented, and in thinking logically as they read complicated questions.

Will Brain Training Improve My Child's IQ

SMART brain training from RaiseYourIQ can help improve children's IQ. In a recent study group carried out by the psychology team at RaiseYourIQ, eight educationally challenged children started our brain program with an average IQ of 82 (using the WISC IV), well below the average score of around 100. Following the completion of the course, these IQs were moved on average to 96, well within the average IQ range while two had their IQ raised to high average ranges. These raised IQs have been maintained four years since the trial (see Roche, Cassidy and Stewart, 2013)..

Can Brain Training help with Education

Yes. Brain training teaches kids and students how to learn better. Teachers, students and schools can use SMART brain training cross curriculum to improve IQ and also improve a range of "relational skills" including better vocabulary skills, improved memory retention and brain processing speed. Education interventions based on training relational skills have been shown in published research to impact intellectual ability scores (measured using the WISC) and independent research into relational skills have shown that our ability to understand abstract relations corresponds to scores on standard IQ tests (e.g., the WAIS and Kaufman’s brief intelligence test).
The identification of relational skills as the basic building blocks of intelligence means that educational efforts will be more effective, so that all children including disadvantaged children can reach their educational potential and adults can reach beyond their assumed intellectual limits.

Brain Training Games

Brain training games are great fun but kids,parents and teachers should also know that computer-based brain training exercises significantly improve the brains ability to focus and so learn more. The SMART Brain training course will be fun yet rewarding as it is scientifically proven to raise IQ while improving working memory along with verbal comprehension, mental processing speed and language skills. SMART brain training has been developed by educational psychologists and is based on over 10 years clinical research. More and more research is now proving conclusively that brain training has wide ranging health, self-improvement and educational benefits.

Learning Game

Teachers and schools use brain training as a fun yet educational learning game to improve kids IQ. A published research paper (Cassidy, Roche & Hayes, 2011) described how a range of different children (four normally developing and eight educationally challenged) were provided with SMART brain training as a learning game on a computer in once to twice weekly sessions lasting approximately 90 minutes across several months. IQ tests (WISC III) were administered before the relational training and several weeks following the completion of training. The results showed the average IQ was raised to over 130, which is called high functioning or exceptional. This means that these children’s intellectual ability was moved from average range to within the top 2% of the population simply by using brain training as a learning game. Any parent,teacher or psychologist is welcome to contact us for a full copy of this report.

Kids Learning Games

Kids learning games should teach a range of cognitive skills to they can learn easier across a broad spectrum of curriculum topics. Brain training as a learning game will help kids not just with improving their IQ but also with reading,language,mathematics and problem solving. Before kids learn, we believe as parents and teachers we should teach kids HOW to learn. How to learn involves training the brain how to reason,absorb information and improve working memory. Brain training as a kids learning game can help children of all intellectual ability to reach their true ability.

Teaching Resources - Brain Training in Schools

RaiseYourIQ has developed a teaching resources section using brain training in the classroom and school.SMART training teaches students how to learn. The RaiseYourIQ intellectual skills intervention is called SMART training (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training). Brain training does not teach students anything that they can use in their examinations (e.g., how to multiply, the capital of Peru). Instead SMART brain training teaches the foundational reasoning skills crucial to vocabulary acquisition and mathematical reasoning. In effect, giving students the tools to learn more effectively. Moreover as a teaching resource,brain training re-mediates deficits in these skills bases that not only cannot be taught at school efficiently without extensive one-to-one assistance, but can even help children to catch up to and even surpass the population average in intellectual ability. Brain Training For Schools

Learning help with homework and school

SMART brain training is a fun learning tool designed to help kids of all ages learn better and faster. It is an ideal homework aid to improve all aspects of cognitive functions including those with learning difficulties. Our brain training exercises can also help with learning problems for children or adults with ADD and ADHD. Whether you are an outstanding student with a high IQ or a struggling student, "SMART brain training" will give you powerful mental tools that will help you learn more effectively across any school or educational subject. SMART brain training teaches kids or adults "How to Learn" and will teach how to learn more deeply and with less frustration. Brain training can help improve learning in many different subjects and skills, whether it is language or mathematics, music, science,physics or psychology.

Can Brain Training be used in Special Education Teaching?

SMART brain training is an ideal teaching tool in special education as it teaches a range of crucial relational skills that help to sharpen intellectual ability with proven results in children with learning difficulties and ADHD. When a persons "relational skills" are improved, research and results show all intellectual tasks come easier. Relational skills training helps kids and students to become a faster and better learner. It helps new information make more sense, and helps the person think more clearly. Published research shows that SMART training increases the IQ scores (i.e). the standard measure of intelligence level) of users by at least 10, and up to around 30 points, which represents a highly significant increase in intellectual ability.

Tutoring and Homework Help using Brain Training

SMART brain training can be used as a tutoring and homework aid as it works across school curriculum to make learning mathematics, languages,reading and science easier. SMART brain training acts like an online tutor, showing kids how to learn faster and easier no matter what the topic. SMART brain training has been developed by educational psychologists following over 10 years of research and is now scientifically proven to raise IQ by 20-30 regardless of the child's intellectual development. For more information on the RaiseYourIQ team, and the science behind SMART brain training please read our web section of "What is SMART"

ADHD and ADD Brain Training

Brain training is a proven therapy for ADHD and ADD. In a recent study,eight educationally challenged children started the SMART brain training program with an average IQ of 82 (using the WISC IV), well below the average score of around 100. Following the intervention, these IQs were moved on average to 96, well within the average IQ range. Furthermore, in follow up tests SMART Brain training was proven to have a lasting effect on alleviating ADHD within this study group.We work with kids, parents, teachers and psychologists to deliver our brain training intervention skills either in a classroom, clinical or home setting. Contact us for a free trial or any questions you may have.

Special Education Brain Training

SMART brain training works in special education alongside students, parents and teachers to help address a range of learning difficulties. SMART brain training has been used in schools to help children with intellectual challenges and to improve learning across a range of subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics and verbal comprehension. Our intellectual skills intervention is called SMART training (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training). SMART teaches children the foundational reasoning skills crucial to vocabulary acquisition and mathematical reasoning. In effect, we give students the tools to learn more effectively. Moreover brain training re-mediates deficits in these skills bases that not only cannot be taught at school efficiently without extensive one-to-one assistance, and can even help children to catch up to and even surpass the population average in intellectual ability.

Math Help using Brain Training

Brain training exercises will help in math homework and to improve the brains mathematical ability.SMART brain training significantly enhances fluid intelligence—the fundamental human ability to detect patterns, reason, and learn. SMART brain training is a series of brain training games and puzzles that students can use on their own at home or in a school setting with teacher aid. Our brain training games work to raise IQ while improving non-reasoning brain training tasks which involve attention to detail, maths and interpreting visual information. Non-reasoning brain training tasks are designed to continuously challenge mental performance and therefore maximise the benefits in math learning.

Education Technology Tools

Brain training exercises can be used as online education tools for teachers and kids. Intellectual skills training (brain training) will help teachers teach and kids learn in new ways across the curriculum. Teachers use brain training including right brain training to improve math, science, reading, language, thinking skills,accelerate learning plus help with special education to supplement their classroom materials. Published research shows that SMART training increases the IQ scores (i.e., the standard measure of intelligence levels) of users by at least 10, and up to around 30 points, which represents a highly significant increase in intellectual ability. Also kids with a high starting intelligence can become even more intelligent.

Brain Training for Children with Special Needs

Brain training can be used by teachers and parents to assist children with special needs to acquire knowledge faster and make learning easier. RaiseYourIQ delivers relation skills training based on our own research into "Relation Frame Theory" which has been found to underpin intelligence. Our SMART brain training course helps to address learning deficits and improve IQ in kids with learning challenges for example in math, verbal reasoning, thinking skills and memory. We have published a number of articles on how we have worked with schools and parents to improve the intellectual capability in kids with special needs and learning difficulties. Please email us for our research and reports into brain training for children.

What is Game Based Learning

Game based learning is delivering education or training content via game experiences. Games based learning creates highly motivated learners who constantly practice skills such as reasoning, memory recall and problem solving. For the user or learner it is an fun yet challenging interactive experience that actively engages them in the learning process so they can see the connection between the learning experience and school or business work via progress charts or tests. Brain training is a game based learning tool that delivers improvement in intelligence levels, increases IQ and makes learning math or science easier. Brain training learning via games improves children or adults ability to process information and use logical reasoning in real world scenarios.

Math and Reading Games in Brain Training

Brain training can help develop building blocks needed for maths and reading improvements in school. In an independent clinical trial carried out on behalf of RaiseYourIQ, eight children with intellectual difficulties started the SMART brain training with an average IQ of 82, well below the average IQ score of 100. Following training in basic relational skills that are foundational to verbal (reading) and numerical (math) ability, these IQs were moved to an average of 96, well within the normal range. Another four normally developing children in the same study had an average IQ of 105, but this was raised above 130 following three to four months of brain training. These kids moved from the normal to the “high functioning” range in a period of a few months as assessed by an IQ test

How is this training different from the learning support/resource/remedial teaching that my child is already receiving at school?

During typical additional support classes, a teacher will often deliver the same content from the same or a parallel curriculum, but at a slower pace. We do something completely different. We are teaching a child the underlying skills necessary for learning. This will help them in all subject areas, regardless of their current level of ability. They will not learn these skills at school. So there is no reason why your child should not continue to access this support as long as he or she needs and so long as it is available. But our research has shown that people who have completed the SMART program typically need less additional support after training.

Will brain training help my child who has learning difficulties?

Yes, children with both general and specific learning difficulties can use and benefit from the SMART brain training program. Children with a whole host of developmental difficulties will also benefit from this program. SMART brain training is a generic intellectual skills training program that improves the basic cognitive skills we all need to function at our peak. All users start their training with different levels of intellectual ability, but SMART adapts to each user’s learning pace so that each user progresses at exactly the right pace in reaching their full intellectual potential. The generic SMART training is designed with every type of user in mind, so users with any type of learning difficulty should benefit from the program in a general way. However, SMART is NOT intended to be a “cure” for specific learning disorders, even though it may help greatly to improve the intellectual functioning of people with such disorders (e.g., dyslexia, ADHD). It is absolutely fine if a user requires shorter sessions, due to attention problems, or requires someone to read aloud training instructions and quiz questions if that helps. However, if you feel that your child or adult in your care has a mental age of below 8 years, or has such significant attention or behavioural problems that they cannot stay on a learning task for at least 15 minutes at a time, a few times per week, then generic SMART training may not be for you.