Brain Training Tips

Completing the SMART brain training course

The RaiseYourIQ SMART brain training course ideally should be completed in a three to six month time-frame. While we use gamification as the online delivery method, we want our customers and students to use and budget for our brain training course the same as you would any other education or skills training course. It has a beginning and an end, it includes assessments,feedback and measure the users progress from start to finish.
SMART brain training teaches people how to learn.
Our goal is for every user to complete the course, raise their IQ levels and bring this new found brain fitness into their everyday lives; be it academic,business or self-growth. The first module is absolutely free which also includes the free assessment.
Click to start your Brain Training Free Trial

Improve Memory

Improve memory processing, IQ levels and intellectual development by sending your brain on a course. Improve the memories recall skills like names or the who, what, where, and when of events. SMART Brain Training works on both short-term (or working) memory and long-term (episodic or semantic) memory. Our own research shows that while memory or intelligence is malleable in that it tends to decay with age, it can be addressed by keeping the brain sharp. The brain and memory will benefit from the simple things like reading or to the more challenging endeavor of brain training. Why not challenge your brain with exercises designed by educational psychologists and neuroscientists to improve memory and attention.

How to do cognitive skills training

The approach to doing cognitive skills training is to focus on "working memory" as neuroscientists and psychologists believe this to the core cognitive function that language, reasoning, verbal comprehension, problem solving and decision making rely on. RaiseYourIQ offers 2 forms of cognitive skills training - "Relational Skills" and "N-Back" which is a series of tasks that challenge the brain to work. All our brain training exercises help improve the level of information and detail a person can remember over time. This method of cognitive skills training can also improve performance in other problem-solving tasks by strengthening the communication paths between different brain functions.

Exercising the Brain Tips

Exercising the brain to be become fitter and healthier whether for school,education,business or as a life stages choice can also impact on a persons wellness. Brain training exercises the brain by working on enhancing thinking, reasoning and verbal skills. Its important to schedule in brain exercises into a weekly routine , maybe 2 or 3 times a week for thirty to forty minutes per session. Combine brain training with taking the time to read articles, complete some puzzles, crosswords or brain teasers and go for a good long walk. Other good brain exercises is to work on your memory recall, you can find some great free memory training games on your RaiseYourIQ account. Think of the brain as a muscle, keep it active and fit by challenging it to learn new things.

Is it better to use this program during school breaks or during the school year when my child is in academic mode?

This largely depends on your own individual set of circumstances and on the preferences of your child. Many users have found it best to use the program during the school year because they can then apply everything they are learning to their school or college work and this will make many classes easier for them. However, research from the field of educational psychology also supports the idea that learning takes time to “consolidate” and so training during relaxed periods free from other pressures also has its advantages.One real consideration is that you or your child may have so many activities and so much homework to do during the school term or college semester that fitting in SMART training seems impossible. If this is the case, it can be treated as a fun leisure activity that is done at weekends, holidays breaks and so on. The training may take longer this will but it will be at least as effective if not more so due to being spaced out over a longer period.

My child is not motivated to complete their stages. What should I do?

Your child will only benefit from this programme if he or she engages with it. While we have “gamified” this program as much as possible, it is after all an educational intervention and not an a form of entertainment. For some children, parents or guardians may need to use some sort of external reward system for getting a child to engage with the program, in the same manner in which a guardian might use an incentive system to encourage a child to complete their homework. Our advice is to use rewards for effort, not just for success, although you may wish to add small extra rewards for completing stages. These rewards should get bigger as the program progresses as they get progressively more difficult. While we have tried to make this leaning as fun as it can be, parents and guardians can do a lot to make a child look forward to their training and to passing stages.

My child does not appear to be able to complete his/her stages? Should I help him/her through it?

SMART training does require a certain amount of task persistence. If your child does not engage with the programme, they will not benefit from it. So there is no problem with you assisting your child with training, and even sitting with them if necessary. However, it is very important that they are answering the questions and not you. As they will only gain maximum benefit if they are actively engaged with the learning process.

Is there a best time of day to do brain training?

While there is no set best time of day, we do recommend doing SMART brain training when you are not overly tired or stressed. We suggest you include your brain training course as part of your weekly schedule if you are an adult or as part of your homework or classwork if you are a child. Try to pick a time of day when you don't have other things competing for your attention or when you are not overloaded with distractions.

How often should I do Brain training?

While every user is different, our research suggests that 2-3 times per week for approximately 30-60 minute sessions appears to be optimal brain training for maximum IQ gains. You should NOT brain train more often than three times per week. Your intellectual skills will improve most when brain training is spaced out evenly across a long period of time (i.e., several months at least). In the same way, you will get more physically fit by training in a gym for an hour per day for 20 days, than you will by training for 20 hours all in one day!