My Brain Training Account

Can more than one user in the household use the same SMART account?

No, it is important that each user has a separate account for several reasons. The first reason is that if one user completes early levels and a second user then logs in and tries to work through the higher levels, they will not be able to complete them as they won't have acquired the necessary skills taught earlier in the program. The second reason is that you will not be able to keep track of each individual person's progress if more than one person is using the same account. Our software keeps track of learning rates and provides only ONE intellectual assessment before training, and ONE afterwards. It is not possible for two users to each take these assessments.

How do I cancel my account?

If you wish to cancel your brain training course please contact us from your registered e-mail address. We will cancel your account straight away and confirm the cancellation by email. No further payments will be processed. To help RaiseYourIQ further improve our brain training course we would appreciate any feedback you would like to give us regarding why you wish to cancel your account.