Teaching Resources - Brain Training in Schools

Last updated: 17 Sep, 2014

RaiseYourIQ has developed a teaching resources section using brain training in the classroom and school.SMART training teaches students how to learn. The RaiseYourIQ intellectual skills intervention is called SMART training (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training). Brain training does not teach students anything that they can use in their examinations (e.g., how to multiply, the capital of Peru). Instead SMART brain training teaches the foundational reasoning skills crucial to vocabulary acquisition and mathematical reasoning. In effect, giving students the tools to learn more effectively. Moreover as a teaching resource,brain training re-mediates deficits in these skills bases that not only cannot be taught at school efficiently without extensive one-to-one assistance, but can even help children to catch up to and even surpass the population average in intellectual ability. <a href="http://raiseyouriq.com/schools"title="Brain Training For Schools">Brain Training For Schools</a>

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